书友会 - 以用户为中心的设计

The Elements of User Experience « 返回所有图书

The Elements of User Experience 封面
  • :User-Centered Design for the Web
  • :Jesse James Garrett
  • :208
  • :New Riders Press
  • :2002-10-11


简介 ······   
  Smart organizations recognize that Web design is more than just creating clean code and sharp graphics. A site that really works fulfills your strategic objectives while meeting the needs of your users. Even the best content and the most sophisticated technology won’t help you balance those goals without a cohesive, consistent user experience to support it.
  But creating the user experience can seem overwhelmingly complex. With so many issues involved-usability, brand identity, information architecture, interaction design-it can seem as if the only way to build a successful site is to spend a fortune on specialists who understand all the details.
  The Elements of User Experience cuts through the complexity of user-centered design for the Web with clear explanations and vivid illustrations that focus on ideas rather than tools or techniques. Jesse James Garrett gives readers the big picture of Web user experience development, from strategy and requirements to information architecture and visual design. This accessible introduction helps any Web development team, large or small, to create a successful user experience.
  《用户体验要素》用清晰的说明和生动的图形分析了“以用户为中心的设计方法(UCD)”来进行网站设计的复杂内涵,并关注于思路而不是工具或技术。Jesse James Garrett给了读者一个关于“网站用户体验开发的总体概念”,从战略和信息架构需求到视觉设计。这种简单易学的介绍方法有助于任何一个网站开发团队,大的或小的,去创建一个成功的用户体验。

  Jesse James Garrett是Adaptive Path──一个位于San Francisco的一个用户体验咨询公司──的创始人之一。从“用户体验要素”在2000年3月初次发布到网上以来,Jesse的所绘制的这个模型已经被下载了2万多次。Jesse的互联网从业经验包括AT&T、Intel、Boeing、Motorola、Hewlett-Packard以及 和美国国家公众广播等。他在用户体验领域的贡献包括“视觉辞典(the Visual Vocabulary)”,一个为规范信息架构文档而建立的开放符号系统,现在这个系统在全球各个企业中得到广泛的应用。他的个人网站www.jjg.net是提供信息架构资源的网站中最受欢迎的一个 。

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